Procedures manual to oversee the implementation of projects - Definitions 4

27 - Accreditation:
Acceptance of work or materials in accordance with the specifications, drawings and conditions of the contract.
28 - the preparatory phase:
Is the stage of the business in the period between the signing of the contract and the actual start of project implementation.
29 - the implementation phase:
Stage of the business from the beginning of the actual implementation of the project (delivery location) until receiving his primary.
30 - Site:
Land and other places of execution of the works required either above or below or where, and any lands or places provided by the employer parcels for the project specified in the contract.
31 - soil reports:
Reports are issued by private research consulting firm the soil where these reports contain the specifications of the project and the quality of the soil, where soil stress - the quality and size of layers - the water table ... etc..
32 - delivering the Site:
Delivery of the project site to the contractor without any impediments to the start of implementation, and is delivered on the site is actually the beginning of the contract period.
33 - the representative of the contractor:
Any legal person authorized by the contractor to review the employer with respect to the project.
34 - Engineer Contractor:
Commissioner officially by the contractor to oversee the implementation of all phases of the project, as well as receive and the instructions of the supervising engineer.
35 - Alruper BENCH MARK:
Point on the ground water level compared to known Bmnsop sea and coordinates a network compared to ground constants, and be properly installed with concrete, and maintained for the duration of the project for reference when needed.
36 - Schedule:
A table showing the various stages of implementation of the project prepared by the contractor and approved by the Engineer.
37 - Shop Drawings:
Detailed plans prepared by the contractor and submitted to the Engineer.
38 - Book site conditions:
Book records the Engineer's observations and instructions on the day of action on the record and all its binding to the contractor.
39 - Materials:
Kit necessary for implementation of the project according to specifications.
40 - Equipment:
Any equipment or equipment required to perform the work.
41 - Laboratory:
The place where the testing of construction materials involved in the implementation of the project.

Last Update
11/4/2011 6:42:30 PM