General Conditions2

Withdraw the work from the contractor:
Shall be in accordance with Article No. (53) of public works contract, which states:
(Without prejudice to the other systems required by the relevant employer may do the following:
First, the right to withdraw the work from the contractor and placing the hand on the website any of the following cases:
A - If the contractor for delay in starting work after being handed over the site or showed slower workflow or stopped entirely to the degree seen with the employer that you can not complete the work within the time limit to complete.
B - If the contractor withdrew from work or abandoned or left or waiver or contract for the implementation of the sub without prior written permission of the employer.
H - If the contractor breaches any of the conditions of the contract, or declined to perform any of its contractual obligations, and did not fit within fifteen days from the dangers of writing, to make this fix.
D - If the contractor itself or through an intermediary to give any gift or reward, or advance, or promised by any member of the government or its users, or any other person has to do with the work the subject of the contract.
E - If the contractor went bankrupt or request declaration of bankruptcy, insolvency, or if it is proved or was ordered to be put under guard, or if the contractor's company has been liquidated or resolved.
Third, the employer in the circumstances as determined to take appropriate action to ensure that the work required specifications for the term defined, including the assignment of project management consultant to the Office without resorting to the withdrawal of the work. )
Attribution of the work of the project drawn to another contractor:
Shall be in accordance with Article No. (54) of public works contract, which states:
(First: In case of withdrawal of the work of the contractor to the employer in its sole discretion may resort to one of the following:
1 - agree with the bidder following the implementation of the work in the same price it offered, and in case of disagreement are the owners negotiate other offers to do so.
2 - to be put in the new competition from all or some of the work is completed, and it is in all cases at the expense of the Contractor.
Second, the right of the employer if there is one of the cases provided for in the previous article that the book materials, equipment and machinery at the site; for use in carrying out the work without paying any money for the contractor or otherwise, and without being liable for any damage or shortages caused by the result of such use, and may also be due to the contractor in all of its losses or damages as a result of the withdrawal of the work. If you do not stop the ultimate guarantee to cover those losses, damages should the contractor be paid to the employer at the request of the amount of the difference resulting from it owed the contractor, and the employer may in the event of failure of the contractor to pay the difference, despite being notified in writing to sell such materials, equipment and machinery seized, as He may take all actions necessary to meet the right by the Contractor.
Third: After the settlement with the contractor's expense, the employer shall be entitled to the transfer of contractor equipment, machinery and materials belonging to him from the site).

Last Update
11/4/2011 7:12:40 PM