Stages and the basic rules - Phase Executive 3

Adjust the quality of the work:
This procedure is the most important duties of a field supervision during the progress of the project at various stages; for the required quality level, and ensure the conformity of all work performed to the specifications and drawings, and follows the following procedures:
1 - a virtual preview of all materials, tools and equipment prior to use in the project, and conduct field and laboratory tests on what is required of them, and then adopted in accordance with the specifications and conditions of the contract.
2 - action is needed to confirm the quality of the work carried out according to the specifications of the inspections or tests execution time or subsequent to him, such as: adjust the drilling and Mnasiba, and rates of the components of concrete and plasticity and strength of the mixture of concrete, durability after 7 days and 28 days, and percentage of the components of asphalt include the mixture, and the percentage of stability and strength of compaction, fish and ... etc., on the forms prepared for that.
3 - to reject all work carried out contrary to the specifications, conditions and report it and ask the contractor repaired.
4 - identify the results of observations and a record of inspections and tests organized for easy reference to the vocabulary, and include a statement of the monthly report on the work of the examinations and tests.
Receipt of the progress of the work:
The objective of this procedure is to ensure the use of contractor for the materials approved in addition to making sure not to carry any of the acts in a manner contrary to the methods of technical sound that is illustrated documents the contract, must be this procedure continuously throughout the period of project implementation, and follow the procedural steps the following:
1 - send the contractor a request for the inspection of the work and materials to the supervising engineer (Form No. 6).
2 - the engineer to inspect the work and ensure that materials, installation and Musneitha were in accordance with the requirements of the contract, and that the variations did not exceed allowable. If it turns out there was a lack or difference or any observations must be recorded in the feedback form.
3 - choose a supervising engineer in the adoption of the following businesses and receive: -
(A) based business has also been implemented.
(B) adopt the business taking into account the observations made do not need to re-received.
(C) adopt the business except for those that were made around the notes, and must be received from the new
(D) do not support the business for the reasons set forth.
4 - you must perform the necessary tests of materials and work in different stages as shown in the contract documents. In the case of lack of clarity of the necessary tests are advised to refer to the General Specifications.
5 - After completion of the inspection or test to be adopted and deliver a copy to the contractor.
6 - Business must be received to be covered with special care and adoption by the coverage.

Last Update
11/4/2011 7:42:09 PM