Stages and the basic rules - Phase Executive 7

Make technical adjustments to the design:
If you found an error in design or emerged: the need to require a compelling justification for the amendment; In these cases, the necessary adjustment is made according to the following procedures:
- The supervising engineer simply by notifying the contractor has an error in design or matters requiring amendment to review the solutions offered and to identify the right ones, and to recommend solutions, as it deems appropriate, and prepare a report showing the consequences of all aspects of the amendment is then submitted to be attributed.
- Is a study of the proposed solutions and choosing the appropriate solution, and then the display is on the validity of the adoption and baptism by the contractor.
- Must not be implemented before the determination of the rate adopted in advance of his authority.
- If there were some minor amendments that do not affect the safety of origin, and have no financial impact or influence on the duration of implementation can be provided locally to achieve a better situation.
Stop the contractor for execution (in part or in whole):
Shall be in accordance with Article No. (32) of a Public Works and the above-mentioned item is 2/5/5 and following procedures:
- The supervising engineer to order a temporary field to stop working to clarify parts concerned with the justification.
- Expire this stop after the termination of confusion directly, the order to resume the work of the supervising engineer.
- When you stop the contractor to circumstances beyond his control and is not the cause of the compensation shall be equal to the duration of the period of suspension, and is an extension of the period in accordance with the instructions of that organization, referred to in clause No. 2/5/8 of the General Conditions.
- The reasons for suspension of work related to the implementation of the contractor such as acts of violation of the specifications or ... etc. These conditions can not be to the contractor to resume work without removal, but it does not really give to the contractor to extend the term as it is a reason for their occurrence.

Last Update
11/4/2011 9:36:11 PM