Stages and the basic rules - Phase Executive 12

Preview the business at the end of the contract period:
The supervising engineer at the end of the term of the contract preview the project and the preparation of business Tqrervyna determines the case and the possibility to benefit from the project or not, and two weeks before the end of the term of the contract on the form provided (Form No. 12).
In the case not expected to benefit from the project at the end of the contract period the supervising engineer with the representative of the contractor inspect the project and decide the level and percentage of completion, and can benefit from the project in that case, and identify items that impede the use of the project, and is preparing the record and be signed by the members and support from the President the municipality.
If you decide not to take advantage of the possibility of the project with a contractor so, and given a copy of the record, and ask him to speed completion of remaining work and to notify the municipality at the end.
Expected in the case of termination of the project and benefit from it at the end of the period specified in the contract without the shortcomings or deficiencies with the presence of non-substantive report by the supervising engineer is to form a committee of receipt of the primary project.

Last Update
11/4/2011 9:43:41 PM