Stages and the basic rules - Phase Executive 15

Disbursement of funds reserved for receiving primary deficiencies:
This is done after the contractor shall end the primary shortcomings of receipt as follows:
This is done after the contractor shall end the primary shortcomings of receipt as follows:
1 - The engineer supervising the receipt of the primary shortcomings of receipt.
2 - is the work of the minutes of the receipt of deficiencies.
3 - the record is transmitted to the competent authority for review and payment of the amounts reserved.
Final acceptance of the project:
This is the procedure after the maintenance period (warranty period), which are often one year from the date of receipt unless the primary is to agree on another period, and after verifying that the contractor has all of its obligations, and that the work carried out in good condition. If the preview shows that the contractor does not have some of the obligations of the final delivery to be postponed until the end of what requested by the contractor of the work, the following procedural steps for the receipt of the final:
1 - The Contractor shall submit a letter to notify the employer when he is ready to deliver a final project, and preferably a month before the expected time to deliver the final project.
2 - The formation of a committee of the final acceptance by the employer, the Engineer will be one of its members, and identifies the date and the parking on the project site.
3 - the contractor is formally notified of the date and the parking on the project site.
4 - The Committee on receiving access to project documents and the minutes of receiving primary and the remarks in the minutes of receiving primary education.
5 - you said Committee to pass on the project and preview work on the ground, and see flaws that have emerged during the warranty period and resulting from the abuse.
6 - The Committee will then fill out a form the final minutes of receipt, and choose one of the following cases according to the settled opinion was based on the preview:
(A) that all work carried out in conformity with the plans and specifications and conditions, the project did not show any defects or deficiencies (with the exception of defects arising from abuse) and the Committee recommends that the receipt of a final project Astelama.
(B) it has appeared the project some of the defects or observations during the warranty period is not the result of misuse and illustrated by the list of the notes to the minutes, which can not be with her receipt of the project Astelama final, in which case the Committee recommends as this record is a record of the preview, and the contractor notice of the employer in writing of the date of completion of the completion of all the notes until the minutes stand of the Commission, the project of a new receipt for the final.
7 - Minutes final receipt (Form No. 14) and signed by all members of the Committee and the contractor is given a picture, and the consequences of this record the liquidation of all the rights of the Contractor according to the system.
8 - to send the engineer out of the final acceptance report to the competent authority to complete the documents, the release of the final guarantee (performance bond) in accordance with the system.
9 - the supervising engineer to send a copy of the final acceptance report, told the Ministry of Technical Affairs for the purpose of follow-up of the projects of the Ministry of Supervisors and in the secretariats and the water if the project group of the secretariats and the water and sanitation.

Last Update
11/5/2011 1:45:39 AM