Stages and the basic rules - the stage of preparation of Project 5
The technical staff of the contractor:
The contractor is under contract with him to secure the appropriate number of technicians to work the project as required by the need to work, and the contractor to secure the necessary number as required by the contract and determined by the supervisor, and procedures are as follows:
The Contractor shall submit at the request of the supervising engineer of sufficient data for the project manager and his staff of engineers, technicians and surveyors of all disciplines required to implement the project, the Engineer to ascertain the following:
1 - appropriate qualifications and competence of employees.
2 - duration and scope of previous work experience and certificates to prove it.
3 - number of the technical competence of the contractor.
And the right to engineer a request replacement of deemed unsuitable for the work of another person with qualifications and experience commensurate with the nature of the project, is not entitled to the contractor to change any member of art from his machine dedicated to a project only after approved by the Engineer, in the case of non-existence of the desired device are applied by the deductions provided for under terms of the contract.