Steps to oversee the implementation of projects- buildings 2
Reinforced Concrete:
1 - Review the signing of the rules - the necks of the columns - retaining walls - Almidat.
2 - Review of the foundations of wrenches and match them armed with axes and dimensions according to the charts, and review the consolidation and strengthening of wrenches.
3 - Review of the foundations of the rebar armed according to the charts and tables of armaments.
4 - Status Review Ohaar rebar to the necks of the columns and retaining walls in accordance with the themes and dimensions on drawings.
5 - Review cleanliness of the surface of normal concrete and a concrete cover of iron.
6 - Review the thickness of concrete cover.
7 - Review and approve the design mix concrete.
8 - to give permission to the contractor casting according to the form prepared for that.
9 - overseeing the casting process and verification of textures - the mechanical shaking - concrete cover - Surface finish - samples and tests, taking into account not casting at infrequent intervals.
10 - Removing the formwork after taking into account the times specified in accordance with the specification, and verification of the absence of defects elements castings.
11 - Verification of concrete treatment for the period specified in accordance with the specifications.
12 - Verification of foundation insulation against humidity.
Reclamation work on the foundations:
1 - Adoption of appropriate materials for the bridge.
2 - to give ear to the contractor Balrdm layers Madmokh even alleged to be in accordance with the specifications.
3 - Verification of the backfill in layers and make the necessary tests according to the specifications.
1 - check the flat ground after filling, and check the levels and paths of the wiring and electrical work of health according to the charts.
2 - treatment against termites when the work requires it.
3 - Review arming flooring (light reinforcing mesh) and determine the thickness of the casting according to the charts.
4 - to give permission to the contractor casting according to the form prepared for that.
5 - oversee the process of casting floors and check: - textures - mechanical shaking - concrete cover - Surface finish - samples and tests, taking into account not casting at infrequent intervals.
6 - Verification of concrete treatment for the period specified in accordance with the specifications.
7 - Review floors against moisture insulation materials approved.
8 - Ensure the protection layer insulation layer.
9 - testing for extensions of the different insulation before pouring floors.
10 - Review extensions of irrigation network and tests before pouring floors courtyards of Foreign Affairs.
Columns and concrete walls:
1 - Review arming the columns and walls in accordance with the plans and schedules reinforcement.
2 - Review and receive the formwork for columns and walls (formula - dimensions - vertical - strengthening and consolidation - level casting).
3 - the adoption of concrete mix and give permission to the contractor to pour.
4 - oversee the process of casting and check: - textures - mechanical shaking - concrete cover - Surface finish - samples and tests, taking into account not casting at infrequent intervals.
5 - not taking into account the casting of big gains for the failure to separate the components of concrete.
6 - Verification of concrete treatment for the period specified in accordance with the specifications.
7 - Removing the formwork after taking into account the times specified in accordance with the specification, and verification of the absence of defects elements castings.