The work of general location 4

Excavation and backfill:
- Check the work of a comprehensive basic Rubirat in the project and the distribution of Rubirat help.
- Review levels and lines of trenches in accordance with the plans.
- Make sure to determine the levels of the Earth's natural.
- Review the course and dimensions of the trenches with accuracy.
- Observing the rules of safety and security.
- Make sure the supply pipes to the site before starting their own digs.
- Review the required dimensions of the drill according to the plans of the Executive.
- Make sure to take the necessary measures to avoid exposing the plastic pipes to heat and direct sunlight, and must be preventable during transportation, handling, storage and installation so that it is stored in places shaded and well ventilated.
- Revision of axes and elevations of manholes and piped.
- Checking the pipes when supply and appropriate action mattresses and compaction in accordance with the specifications and drawings.
- Checking the pipes before installation, and make sure that the inner surface of all pipes and accessories clean.
- Be sure to use the contractor of the number needed to take down the pipes and accessories carefully into the trench and the occurrence of damage in the pipes.
- Examination of pipes and accessories well before landing and the replacement of any pipe is intact or damaged.

Last Update
11/5/2011 4:32:30 AM