Steps to oversee the implementation of road projects - an earthworks 10

Paint marks on the surface of the road:
1 - Adoption of paints.
2 - make sure the surface is clean and dry.
3 - Status Review and draw lines on the surface before painting.
4 - make sure the temperature of the surface to be paint before work.
5 - Supervise the work of the paint according to the specifications.
6_ machine to make sure planning and height from the road to give the required density of the line, as well as the correct sizes.
7 - to ensure the regularity of the distribution rate of powdered glass (Glass Powder) on the surface of the road.
1 - marks reflex (cat eyes).
Used cat eyes on the roads to determine the paths of roads and give the driver a good way to help keep the movement within the course and especially at night, reflecting light from the car, especially in the way cellular non-illuminated, and are supported samples (dimensions along the immersion, tendencies of the inverter, the number of lenses required and the color and focus, adhesive) according to the specifications, and is overseeing the installation process by schemes.
2 - Landmarks of China (Ceramic Studs).
- Used in urban roads which gives precisely tracks the way and limits the visibility of the road where there was no need to flip the light because most urban roads are lit, and are supported samples (diameter, thickness, flat surface, the degree of brightness, adhesive) according to the specifications, and are supervised the installation process according to the charts.

Last Update
11/5/2011 3:53:11 AM