The work of general location 1

Water and Accessories
Excavation work:
- Remove obstacles from the site and waste transfer and flatten.
- The adoption of equipment and construction methods to be used in excavation work.
- Adoption of the support pillars in the system of ditches and septic tanks, or any other fossils and clarified in the charts.
- Matching the excavation of the lines, levels and sizes of operational schemes.
- Ensure availability of all safety and security procedures on the work of drilling.
- Review the depth of excavation dimensions - width - the integrity of the drawings.
- Make sure the trench dump the contents of the groundwater by pumping equipment suitable.
- The need not to collect waste from the excavation and backfill to be used in a way that impede movement.
- Limit the amount of drilling will be billed by the contractor in accordance with the unit prices and quality in the schedules of quantities.
Of the pipelines:
- Make sure the conformity of pipes and accessories to the specifications and drawings.
- Checking the pipes and make sure they are free from defects and damage.
- Review the bedding down pipes used and compacted according to specifications and drawings.
- Review the links and make sure they are of the same material as the pipes.
- Adoption of the samples of valves, meters, fire hydrants, signs, etc., and compliance with the detailed plans.
- The adoption of the shop drawings for pipelines and elevations showing the cross with other facilities.
- The adoption of the type of paint used in the coating of some types of pipes specified in the specifications.
- Examination of the external and internal coating for pipes.
- The adoption of cutting pipes in the art sound subject to the recommendations of the manufacturer.
- To make sure how to install the pipes, according to the specifications and the adoption of pipes before installation.
- Make sure to put water pipes in the right places for other facilities in accordance with the specifications.
- Review the status of the chock blocks elbows various forms manner which ensures safety.
- Receipt of the networks of pipes and accessories and testing required in accordance with the specifications and drawings.

Last Update
11/5/2011 4:28:27 AM